Zen Honeycutt has three boys with allergies and autism symptoms which greatly improved when they went GMO Free and organic. Inspired by her children, she created Moms Across America, a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms, with the motto “Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids.” With 310 leaders who have created over 400 events in the past 18 months in 44 states, Moms Across America empowers and amplifys the voice of the mom locally and nationally.
Zen has been seen on CNN, the Dr.Oz show, CSPAN, in the news in Rueter's, RT.com, Fox News and hundreds more media outlets. She has been a speaker at the International GMO conference in Beijing, China, the Heirloom Expo, Health and Freedom Expo, Commonwealth Club and others. Zen is also a leadership coach and consultant.