True Healing Conference 2021 Summary


Text says "True Healing Conference: The New biology" will stylized illustration of lotus flower; background is soft blue sky and water ripples

True Healing Conference

The True Healing Conference was held virtually on October 9-10, 2021. Hosted by Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan, the program focused on bringing together a new generation of healers who embrace the “new biology”. The New Biology encourages people to tune into Nature’s gift of healing by understanding that the ability to heal resides in nature and that we only need to tune in to it through consciousness and knowledge. Participants were invited to embrace a new paradigm of healing.

Some of the highlights of the conference included discussions about the healing power of energy and water and making a personal choice to live a healthy lifestyle. Other topics included detoxification, diet, cymatics, the human biofield, orgone energy, bio-photons, holographic blood diagnosis, viruses and the new biology.

Dr Andrew Kaufman opened the conference by presenting his 30-day triple purification experience. He maintains that the scientific community has sidestepped this natural treatment that is an important part of the healing process. Our world is filled with toxins in food, air and water, and over time they accumulate to the point that our bodies can’t clear them. The process of disease begins. The first five days of his program include a water fast, followed by a cleansing diet and coffee enemas.

David Iche noted that throughout history, humankind has been kept in the dark about the “true I” or state of expanded awareness. The “system” teaches people that they are limited beings with little power. Human life is a band of experience in the visible light. The five senses can only see dots and not connect them. Our natural state is expanded awareness and opening the heart is the fastest pathway to get there.

Kelly Brogan, MD, is a holistic doctor and author who specializes in helping people understand the root cause of their illnesses. She notes that we are on a psychological and spiritual journey for freedom, but we are wired to rely on the tribe, the fear of expulsion, a childhood drive for love and the adherence to social norms. These factors can place us in a trauma field and keep us from understanding our true nature and the unlimited possibilities that are available to us.

Sally Fallon reminded us of the value of nutrient dense foods. We are now on the 4th and 5th generation of people living largely on junk food. She highlighted the importance of raw milk and organic foods that are raised in a healthy way.

James DeMeo discussed cosmic life energy and the work of Wilhelm Reich. He talked about his experiments to replicate orgone energy and noted the increased healing that occurred with his use of an orgone accumulator.

Adam and Josh Bigelson talked about the pioneering work of their father, Dr. Harvey Bigelson and his struggles with introducing new ideas into an entrenched medical paradigm. They discussed the importance of working with the body’s “terrain” instead of looking only at pathogens and specific diseases. They’ve spent years analyzing live blood and using their findings to identify what stressors impact a person’s health so that that a person can take action before a serious condition arises.

Veda Austin presented her unique way of working with water. What started as curiosity about a pattern she observed in frozen water turned into a major study of the nature of water as a sentient being, Her photographs of captured impressions are in themselves, a beautiful art form. She demonstrates that water possesses an innate intelligence and can even communicate!

John Stuart Reid became interested in sound therapy and cymatics after a trip to the Egyptian pyramids. He believes that every cell in the body responds to sound, and that when illness occurs, some cells seem to “fall asleep”. Cymatic patterns are embedded in the membranes of every cell. The right sound can be employed to support healing. He discussed the relationship of sound to light and magnetic fields and reviewed some of the amazing experiments that show how our blood and bodies respond to sound therapies.

Dolph Zantinge discussed his findings related to the coherence of water. He noted that most of the water on the planet today has lost its coherence because of pollution and other factors. Coherent water is important in the body because it holds the body in a state of health. Coherent water carries information that the body uses to maintain healthy processes. ATP increases when the mitochondria work with water that is coherent. He presented his work with glycans and the studies that show that coherent water reduces biological age. His company produces the Analemma water wand which individuals can use to make their own water coherent.

Tom Cowan’s talk raised questions about basic science and what we really know about health. What do we really see when looking through an electron microscope? How much could be purely artifact? He raises questions about what we really know about the mechanisms of how cells work – maybe it’s not the cells themselves, but the coherent water they use to make energy. If water is indeed the key behind making the body work, maybe we need to reconsider the model about how cells actually function.

Eileen McKusick talked about the biofield and the body as an integration of positive and negative particles that are in constant motion. She noted that memories, injuries and disease are held in a person’s biofield. She discussed her work with tuning forks and how they can be used both diagnostically and therapeutically to heal.

Dr. Manel Ballester is a retired cardiologist who spent many years exploring energy medicine and its relationship to heart function. He noted that both particle structure and magnetic fields are important, and that after unraveling the structure of the heart we could see that it operates as a torus.

Stefan Lanka, Ph.D talked about the history of science and virology and how we have a framework of misconceptions that shape our understanding of how the body works. He noted that every individual is in a constant state of transformation. He presented a compelling case about the need to reconsider some of our basic beliefs about medicine.

For more information regarding future events go to the True Healing Conference website.

About the Author

Kristina Olson

FAIM National Resource Coordinator

Kristina (Kris) Olson, L.Ac., Dip.O.M., maintains an active clinic, The Center for Oriental Medicine, in Ft. Collins, Colorado. She incorporates functional medicine, energy therapies and various physical modalities into her practice, blending the best of both East and West. She completed her Chinese Medicine education at the Colorado School of