The Root Cause of Autoimmune Disease and How to Prevent It for Longevity

Functional Medicine offers patients many things, especially hope and understanding. Autoimmune disease is a prime example: Rather than condemning patients to a lifetime of symptom management through medication, functional practitioners dig to find the “why,” to address the underlying causes with individualized, multimodal support to create lasting improvement and systemic healing.

In this episode of The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman M.D., Hyman talks with Sara Gottfried, M.D., a physician, researcher, author, and educator passionate about changing the way we view and treat autoimmunity.

Discussion topics include:

  • What is a “trauma signature” and what is its role in autoimmunity?
  • Hidden autoimmunity triggers you might be surprised to learn about
  • The go-to test panel Gottfried runs on her patients
  • Gottfried’s stack for reducing cortisol and why trauma has to be considered
  • How trauma biologically impacts you through the PINE system
  • Psychedelic therapy and other healing states of consciousness, plus Gottfried’s personal experience using them
  • What Gottfried wishes she told her 20-year-old self about life

About the Author

Mark Hyman

Mark Hyman, M.D., is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in the field of Functional Medicine.

He is the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, Senior Advisor for the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, a fourteen-time New York Times best-selling author,