Monica Corrado is “The GAPS™ Chef” and someone who likes to eat healthily. Here is a recipe that eliminates white flour and sugar, using the traditional cooking technique of fermenting the nut flour to make fluffy, light, and easily digested cinnamon "rolls."
Gluten Free
Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, spelt and oats, can cause celiac disease, which triggers severe inflammation throughout the body and has been linked to autoimmune diseases, mood disorders, autism, schizophrenia, dementia, digestive disorders, nutritional deficiencies, diabetes, cancer, and more.
Why Gluten Sensitivity May Not Be an Allergy to Wheat
People are avoiding gluten more and more, as they realize that they're sensitive to these wheat products. But it may not be the gluten that's bothering you at all. Unfortunately, the truth is much more toxic. When you eat non-organic wheat products, you're not just having a sandwich. You're also consuming the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate).
Food Allergy
Food allergy or intolerance can produce any symptom under the sun: from migraines, fatigue, PMS, painful joints, itchy skin to depression, hyperactivity, hallucinations, obsessions and other psychiatric and neurological manifestations. However, the most immediate and common symptoms in the vast majority of patients are digestive problems: pain, diarrhea or constipation, urgency, bloating, or indigestion.
Weighing In on Wheat
An interview with doctor and author William Davis who shares insight into modern wheat woes from a human health perspective.
Three Hidden Ways Wheat Makes You Fat
Dr. Mark Hyman describes three hidden ways wheat and gluten triggers weight gain, prediabetes, diabetes and more.
The Root Cause of Your Autoimmune Disease - and Why Treating It Can Be Easier Than You Think
All it takes is one look around the grocery store to see that gluten sensitivity is on the rise. Because of the increase in celiac disease, gluten-free foods are more in demand now than ever before. But did you know that even if you don't have celiac disease, you might be gluten sensitive and not even know it? Jonathan Wright, M.D. explains.