Silvia Binder

Guest Writer


Silvia Binder, N.D., Ph.D.

Silvia Binder, N.D., Ph.D., is the CEO/President of the Ondamed Companies in New York, Germany, and Nigeria and she is the founder of The Binder Institute for Personalized Medicine in Germany.

She was born in Germany and grew up in Vienna, Austria, where she earned her degree in business. A horrific motorcycle accident at the age of 15 put her in a coma for 21 days. She was announced clinically dead five times. Her 16th year of life was spent recuperating from her injuries and she used a wheelchair to get around. Due to these events, her life changed dramatically thereby gaining heightened awareness. Her personal story with her 5-year-old son fueled her passion for naturopathic and energy medicine in an integrative medicine model. She earned her diploma in naturopathy from the College of Naturopathy in London, U.K., and Ph.D. in naturopathy from the Open University for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Sri Lanka.

She is the Chief Medical Officer of Zymonetics (Canada), a contributing author for FAIM (USA), Scientific Advisory Board Member of, former faculty member of the American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine (USA), a faculty member of Medical Wellness Association MWA (USA), Expert Committee Member of the National Traditional, Complimentary, and Alternative Medicine (TCAM) Institute of the Federal Ministry of Health in Nigeria, and a member of Integrative Medicine West Africa (IMWA).

Her personal and virtual wellbeing care and consultations are enjoyed by chronically ill patients from around the world. Being a passionate educator, she lectures at diverse scientific events globally and offers specialized courses on Bio-IT Integrative Personalized Medicine for healthcare practitioners. She works with community hospitals, university clinics, private clinics and practices in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, as well as North and South America.

Binder is the author of several peer reviewed articles and the book “ONDAMED - a story of love, healing, and medical revolution”.

To learn more, visit the The Binder Institute website.

Articles by Silvia Binder

A Letter From Silvia Binder on the Ondamed and Biofeedback

It’s time for us to review the unique method that we teach practitioners to use in combination with the ONDAMED device.

Meet the Integrative Pain Healers Alliance

Philanthropist and medical publisher Dr. Robert L. Bard helped to spearhead the formation of a brand new network dedicated to a grouping of pain and injury care professionals called IPHA - the Integrative Pain Healers Alliance. It is a private self-funded professional community assembling a synergistic collective of clinical specialists, therapeutic technologists, diagnosticians, innovators, public educators, advocates and patient resources dedicated to supporting physiological care. Learn about their PEMF research.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Stress

The use of personalized precision medicine to address COVID-19 using energy medicine, and specifically the ONDAMED technology, is an advantage for physicians and their patients.

Energy Medicine Going Mainstream: From ancient history to modern medicine

Silvia Binder lecturing on “Energy Medicine Going Mainstream” at the General Session of A4M's Conference in Las Vegas, December 2014.

Energy Medicine Going Mainstream

Energy medicine has been used throughout human history even dating back to 15,000 B.C. Dr. Binder gives a complete history, introduces various energy medicine therapies and describes specific examples of healing. We are energy beings. In order to experience total health, we must look at how energies are playing a role in our bodies.

Articles related to Silvia Binder

Immortality Now: Energy Medicine and The Ondamed

The Ondamed is the state-of-the-art in energy medicine using pulsed electromagnetic fields and biofeedback to help support the body's stress response and immune system.