Rob Herring


Rob Herring

Rob Herring

Rob Herring is Director, Producer, Cinematographer, and Writer for The Need To GROW.

He is an environmental filmmaker and musical activist. He produced The Relationtrip (SXSW, Grand Jury Prize - Dallas International Film Festival) and Directed/Produced Nothing In Los Angeles, which received numerous Best Picture honors. Rob worked on the critically acclaimed GMO OMG, and is a Producer on the follow up to the world famous Zeitgeist Trilogy.

As a musician, Rob writes songs for health and eco activism, and he headlined the Rock For Nature concert in Berlin for 25,000 people.

Rob is also a Certified Holistic Health Coach and is the co-founder of Integrative Pediatrics.

Articles by Rob Herring

Should We Let the Amazon Burn?

Seventy-four percent of our pharmaceutical medicines come from plants (and 18% come from fungi). But apparently 25% of all western pharmaceuticals come from rainforest plants — and plants native to the Amazon rainforest in particular! According to statistics, 1.5 acres of pristine Amazon rainforest is lost every second.

The Importance of Water

Only 1% of the Earth’s water is freshwater that we can drink and use for other things. Some parts of the Earth are impacted more than others in an effort to procure fresh water. Data is suggesting it’s only a matter of time before the problem with our water reaches all our doorsteps, and becomes all our problem.